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The active compounds in Kriya® brand Hops plant act as natural, plant-based neurotransmitters that activate CB2 receptors in our body.

In 2011 Dr. R Mechoulam, the world’s leading cannabinoid expert, published a study documenting how imbalances of endocannabinoids & CB2 receptors are implicated in most major diseases.

The 3 main, active ingredients of Kriya® Hops all work together in synergy:

CBD is documented to have anti-anxiety, antidepressant, antipsychotic, anti- inflammatory, anti-arthritic and anti-tumor properties.

 Caryophyllene has been described by medical researchers as having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-tumor properties.

Humulene is a potent anti-inflammatory.  A 2010 article in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology describes a lab experiment where humulene decreased cancer cell growth by 50%. When humulene was combined with caryophyllene, malignant cell growth decreased (J Pharm Pharmacol. 2007 Dec;59(12):1643-7) by 75%.